Remembering Special Training in the 80’s!
Here’s something special for you. Paul Rubacha, who trained at the Syracuse Club back in the 80’s, sends along a few reminiscences along with the most detailed after action report of one of Sensei Tabata’s Special Trainings that we have ever seen! You can read a description of what was done and for how long through the entire weekend’s schedule! Paul was there and literally got the t-shirt (also pictured).
Paul writes (when asked what happened to the Syracuse Club):
“I regret to say that it closed in the early 90’s. It was a very hard decision to make for the club as enrollment declined. I was in my mid twenties at the time.”
“Looking back, I wish I knew then, what I know now, about Sensei Tabata. What a privilege it was to be a student in one of the many satellite schools that he promoted.”
“The video of the “special training” that NACKC posted, brought me back to a time in my life that served as a source of strength that I never knew I had. (That strength brought me through some very trying times in my life!)…”
About the Special Training he details, Paul writes, “The reason for 1100 squat kicks [Instead of “just” 1000. -Ed.] at the end of Sunday. When Sensei announced training was over, everyone cheered and someone ran over and got a drink of water without permission. Sensei called everyone back out on the floor for 100 more! Needless to say no one took a drink after that until his say so. “
Take a look and ask yourself how you’d fare! We have no immediate plans to run Special Trainings again…for now.
As THE organization tasked with carrying on Sensei Tabata’s legacy, we enjoy collecting and sharing these stories. If you have something that you think might be of interest, don’t hesitate to make contact.
Thank you, Paul!