Event: Kata Clinic with Sensei Robert Harb: Kanku Sho, Wankan
Please join us Wednesday, June 28th from 7:00pm- 8:30pm for a special clinic with Sensei Robert (Bob) Barb, 6th dan, NAKF. We will take a close look at Shotokan Karate katas Kanku Sho and Wankan. Students of all levels and organizational or dojo affiliation are invited to come give...
Event: Kata Clinic with Sensei Robert Harb: Meikyo (Rohai), Sochin
Please join us Wednesday, May 24th from 7:00pm- 8:30pm for a special clinic with Sensei Robert (Bob) Barb, 6th dan, NAKF. We will take a close look at Shotokan Karate katas Meikyo (Rohai) and Sochin. Students of all levels and organizational or dojo affiliation are invited to come give...
Photos: Chinte/Nijushiho Kata Clinic with Sensei Bob Harb
Photos: Class at Doshi Kai
Here are some photos from Doshi Kai in Acton, MA tonight, part of the NAKF family. Great adult karate! See the schedule and more details at the link....
Event: Kata Clinic with Sensei Robert Harb, 6th dan, NAKF
Please join us Sunday, March 19th from 9:30am – 11:30 for a special clinic with Sensei Robert (Bob) Barb, 6th dan, NAKF. We will take a close look at Shotokan Karate katas CHINTE and NIJUSHIHO. Students of all levels and organizational or dojo affiliation are invited to come give...
Video: Budokas Kumite Practice, Sunday, January 29, 2023
Here’s video of the kumite portion of Sunday’s Budokas practice. (BTW, attendees are not required to appear on camera if they ask not to.) Camera gets closer a few minutes in. All are welcome to these practices!...
This Sunday the 8th! Kangeiko at Nahant Beach! Continue the Tradition!
THIS SUNDAY, January 8th will be the 2023 version of the NAKF’s annual Kangeiko: New Year’s Winter Beach Training. Facebook Event Page. Start time is 6am at Nahant Beach, Nahant, MA. This is a good group activity for building dojo spirit. Perfect for encouraging a whole class to attend....
Bermuda: Kazumi Tabata Karate Open 2022 a Huge Success! (With Video!)
A huge congratulations is due to all the Tabata-Ha Shotokan/NAKF Bermuda folks for an enormously successful 2022 tournament! Congratulations are also due to the organizers at ShotoCup for a very well-run and organized event. The real winners (aside from the people who won the two bicycles that were given...
Upcoming Event: Kangeiko 2023! New Year’s Beach Training
Join us for the annual tradition, New Year’s Beach Training! Sunday, January 8th 6-7:30am Nahant Beach, just outside Boston. All are welcome regardless of organization, affiliation, style, or skill. Please circulate this message and invite your own friends and lists. Year after year Sensei Tabata lead groups of students...
Trinity Catholic Academy Kids Receive Their Uniforms and Patches!
Congratulations to the kids at Trinity Catholic Academy in Southbridge, MA who got their uniforms and NACKC (they’re college bound, after all!) patches the other day. Congratulations as well to Gregory Cumings who taught this free program on behalf of the NAKF/NACKC. The kids look great!...