Category: NACKC

Remembering the Tufts Club: 1967-1969

We got a great comment on one of our YouTube videos recently and with permission of the author, Martha Grant, we thought we’d share it and a selection of the subsequent email exchange with everyone! The comment was on the video “Shotokan Karate Master Kazumi Tabata Early Footage Partner...

Carnegie Mellon University Mumon Karate Club Promotion!

The Mumon karate club at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh conducted a kyu test on April 27. Godan Mark Weingarden, Yodan Chuck Moyes and Nidan Doug Gilbert led the test. Congratulations to the following students: Ela Gulsen-3rd Kyu and Alan EsQuenazi -3rd, yu, Dewang Sun-3rd Kyu, Sebastian Garcia-6th Kyu,...

Tufts University Shotokan Club In Uniform

It took until the second to last workout of the semester to get everyone into uniforms (Except Carolina who’s doing study abroad next semester. 🙁 Good luck Carolina, and we’ll see you when you get back!), but here they are! Good (but not complete) turnout:...

Video: NACKC College Karate Tournament, 1988

Thanks to BU alum Steve Kemball-Cook for sending along this video of the April 1988 NECKC (now NACKC) college tournament. What schools were there? We think we see BU, Tufts, BC, MIT, WNEC, ULowell, Fitchburg, UMass Dartmouth…who else? Let us know! The tournament was held at Tufts’ Cousens Gym....

Remembering Special Training in the 80’s!

Here’s something special for you. Paul Rubacha, who trained at the Syracuse Club back in the 80’s, sends along a few reminiscences along with the most detailed after action report of one of Sensei Tabata’s Special Trainings that we have ever seen! You can read a description of what...