Important Web Site: The Northeast Karate Events Calendar
We want to draw your attention to a new resource for traditional karateka of any organization in the Northeast United States (particularly New England) to find open traditional karate events to participate in, the Northeast Karate Events Calendar. The site has a calendar of events and an email list...
Photos and Video: Tufts University Club Looking Good!
Coming back enthusiastic after the difficulties of the past couple of years. Here’s a link to the Facebook post where you can see it all:...
Shotofun After-Action Report
NAKF members, including President Greg Cumings, had a great time at the multi-organizational Shotofun event on Saturday, hosted by the Brown University Shotokan Karate Club, and including folks from Salve Regina University, Gorin Dojo, Shodokan Martial Arts and others. The Shotofun event will be held again at a different...
Remembering Special Training in the 80’s!
Here’s something special for you. Paul Rubacha, who trained at the Syracuse Club back in the 80’s, sends along a few reminiscences along with the most detailed after action report of one of Sensei Tabata’s Special Trainings that we have ever seen! You can read a description of what...
The MIT Club is on Instagram!
The MIT Shotokan Karate Club is on Instagram. Please give them a follow! View this post on Instagram A post shared by MIT Shotokan Karate Club (@mitshotokankarate)...
New Page: Donate
We’ve just added another page to the web site, Donate. You can make tax-deductible contributions to the NAKF/NACKC, and even make your Amazon shopping count by kicking back a small amount of any purchase to us. Our expenses here are kept small, but not non-existent, and your generosity will...
Video: Doshi-Kai Shotokan Karate Promotion Highlights, Sept. 27, 2022
Congratulations to everyone who took promotion at Doshi-Kai in Acton, MA last night! Great job! Here are some highlights!...
Bermuda Pictures: Kata Seminar with International Coach Brandon Abdullah
Great Kata seminar today with International Coach Brandon Abdullah. Great job everyone. There was also an adult seminar following the under 18’s....
Pictures: First Practice of the Season at UMass Dartmouth!
Looking good at the UMass Dartmouth club. Let’s gooooooo!...
Invitation: Bermuda “Kazumi Karate Open” Memorial Tournament, December 2022
Our Bermuda branch has been cooking up something special for this coming December 18, The Kazumi Karate Open, in honor of Master Kazumi Tabata: We the Tabata-Ha Shotokan Dojo of Bermuda invite you and your Organization/Club to participate in the Kazumi Karate Open held on the beautiful island of...