Tag: Tournament

Congratulations on Another Successful Kazumi Tabata Memorial Tournament

Congratulations to all the NAKF Bermuda folks on another successful Kazumi Tabata Memorial Tournament! Bernews: Bermuda’s karate community gathered at the 2nd Annual Kazumi Tabata Open in the Whitney Institute Auditorium, where Tony Cabral emerged as the overall winner. A spokesperson said, “The Whitney Institute Auditorium was filled with...

Bermuda: 2nd Annual Kazumi Karate Open Tournament 2023

It’s that’ time of year again! Registration at Shotocup.com! 2023 Kazumi Karate Open Hosted By The Tabata -Ha Dojo In honor of the late Sensei Kazumi Tabata, we invite you to be a part of the highly anticipated 2nd Annual Kazumi Tabata Karate Open. This event pays tribute to...

Bermuda: Kazumi Tabata Karate Open 2022 a Huge Success! (With Video!)

A huge congratulations is due to all the Tabata-Ha Shotokan/NAKF Bermuda folks for an enormously successful 2022 tournament! Congratulations are also due to the organizers at ShotoCup for a very well-run and organized event. The real winners (aside from the people who won the two bicycles that were given...

Video: NACKC College Karate Tournament, 1988

Thanks to BU alum Steve Kemball-Cook for sending along this video of the April 1988 NECKC (now NACKC) college tournament. What schools were there? We think we see BU, Tufts, BC, MIT, WNEC, ULowell, Fitchburg, UMass Dartmouth…who else? Let us know! The tournament was held at Tufts’ Cousens Gym....