Bermuda: Kazumi Tabata Karate Open 2022 a Huge Success! (With Video!)

A huge congratulations is due to all the Tabata-Ha Shotokan/NAKF Bermuda folks for an enormously successful 2022 tournament! Congratulations are also due to the organizers at ShotoCup for a very well-run and organized event.
The real winners (aside from the people who won the two bicycles that were given away – they were realreal winners), were all the competitors who participated in the kata, kumite, and kobudo events. Visitors (including NAKF President Greg Cumings) found an unparalleled friendly spirit on the island, and a phenomenal karate community that crossed style and dojo bounds. Anyone who is in any way interested should start making plans the moment next year’s event is announced.
Sensei Tabata’s memory was well served. He would have been incredibly proud of everyone involved.
Photos & Results: Kazumi Tabata Karate Open at
Another Gallery of Photos at
You will also find galleries of photos on Facebook here, here, here, and here.
Here is a link to a YouTube playlist with all the many videos posted to date: ENJOY