Video: Budokas Highlights from July 9

[As with the last one, sorry in advance for the a/v quality. Video is a little blurry because it’s zoomed in, and audio is of course very echoey. If you get something out of it, great, if not….] This is a short excerpt from the Budokas practice on July...

Video: Budokas Highlights from June 25

[Sorry in advance for the a/v quality. Video is a little blurry because it’s zoomed in, and audio is of course very echoey. If you get something out of it, great, if not….] This is a short excerpt from the Budokas practice on June 25. In the first clip,...

Sensei Jordan Berry, Kyoto, 1991: An Unconventional Fighter

Here a couple of photos of Sensei Jordan Berry in 1991 in Kyoto Japan at a tournament with Kanazawa Sensei judging. Unconventional but effective technique. Ask Sensei Jordan about it! You can meet Sensei Jordan at the bi-weekly “Budokas” class (subscribe to and check on the Event Calendar to...

Event: Kata Clinic with Sensei Robert Harb: Kanku Sho, Wankan

Please join us Wednesday, June 28th from 7:00pm- 8:30pm for a special clinic with Sensei Robert (Bob) Barb, 6th dan, NAKF. We will take a close look at Shotokan Karate katas Kanku Sho and Wankan. Students of all levels and organizational or dojo affiliation are invited to come give...

Carnegie Mellon University Mumon Karate Club Promotion!

The Mumon karate club at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh conducted a kyu test on April 27. Godan Mark Weingarden, Yodan Chuck Moyes and Nidan Doug Gilbert led the test. Congratulations to the following students: Ela Gulsen-3rd Kyu and Alan EsQuenazi -3rd, yu, Dewang Sun-3rd Kyu, Sebastian Garcia-6th Kyu,...

Rest in Peace Master Fumio Demura

It is with great sadness that we issue the following statement: The North American Karate-Do Federation (NAKF) and the North American Collegiate Karate Conference (NACKC) wish to offer our heart-felt sympathies on news of the passing of Master Fumio Demura. Master Demura was a great personal friend to our...